40 - year - old woman, in the dress to know how to give up

I believe that for the vast majority of women, they are very keen to go to the stores to buy clothes. Especially in the change of season, or holidays, a lot of clothing will be discounted, and the discount intensity will be relatively low. In this way, women will be even more tempted to buy more.

But when calm down, only to find that the wardrobe has been stuffed too full. In fact, there are a lot of clothes at ordinary times will rarely wear, so for a 40-year-old woman, wardrobe if there are the following situations, you really have to learn to break away from.

One: Throw away the old hat

For many women who like to wear hats, more or less will buy some hats of various styles. So if you have some free time, you can actually check your closet. You may find that there are individual hats that are no longer suitable for use.

Because these hats may have been worn by themselves, and the color of the hat has changed, it is estimated that it has already become yellow, and some parts of the hat also have certain damage. In that case, 40-year-old women should drop the hats.

Two: haven't worn clothes for a long time

There are some clothes when women buy them, in fact, is not necessarily a special fit, but at that time and special like, so just buy down. When the novelty wears off, it stays in the closet and is never worn again.

Or some clothes bought at that time, very appropriate to wear, but later because of the body became fat, and has not been slimming success. As a result, the clothes sit idle, so a 40-year-old woman can throw away clothes she hasn't worn in a long time.

Three: clothes wear deformation old

For some clothes, perhaps a 40-year-old woman will be particularly fond of, and will often wear on the body. However, they are particularly vulnerable to damage over time due to frequent wear.

Then there's a good chance they'll be deformed by a 40-year-old woman, and the sleeves will chafe. In that case, here's a suggestion to get rid of them. Don't leave them behind. If you continue to wear them, it will be unclassy and undignified.

Four: too cheap clothes

In fact, for a 40-year-old woman, at this age stage, try not to wear the kind of too cheap clothes, and must also know how to break off from oh. Because the price of clothing is too low, generally speaking, its material selection will be relatively low-end, and let people look very poor quality.

If worn by a 40-year-old woman, it would be unseemly and casual. Not only in inadvertently lower their taste, and the whole person looks relatively rustic.

Five: pants with too many holes

Although they are popular for pants with too many holes, they are also very popular with women. However, these trousers are not suitable for a woman over 40. Originally many women in their 40s, their figure has already become plump, and the legs are likely to become thick.

Wearing a trouser suit with holes in it will show the leg's flaws and make it look bad and tacky.

Six: not suitable for their age clothing

In general, if a woman is over 40, there are some age-inappropriate items in her closet that can be thrown out. Because at the age of 40, it would be inappropriate for a woman to wear something so cute and cute.

Say again so painstakingly, force to outfit tender, can let a person feel this 40 year old woman very have no clothes to taste, also too have no style, also very contravening.

Seven: all kinds of commemorative t-shirts

If a 40-year-old woman still has any memento shirts in her wardrobe, she's advised to ditch them. Because of its design, the T-shirt is worn by a 40-year-old woman walking down the street like a billboard advertising others.

Besides, some of the various slogans on these commemorative t-shirts also make people feel very embarrassed, so try to break away from them.

Eight: too avant-garde trendy style

There are a lot of women in their 40s, although they have reached this age, they still like to follow the fashion in dress and dress, buying whatever style is the trend. In fact, such a choice is not quite right. Styles that are too avant-garde, yet too trendy, are almost impossible for a 40-year-old woman to handle.

Besides, these styles may be in this year, you feel very fashionable, and especially love, but there is a possibility that next year, these styles have been out of fashion, so maybe they will dislike it. In this case, it is also necessary to disengage.

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